Friday, June 21, 2019

Step-by-step painting of a step

Not Exactly step-by-step, but a series of photos.

We have a couple of nice wooden step stools that the kids got from their grandparents long ago. The kids are taller and no longer need them to reach the sink(!), but we still use them. They both are (were) in need of new paint. I started with Brian's blue stool. I cleaned it up, scrubbed off stickers, and slapped on some white paint. I wasn't too concerned about it being even or completely covered. I simply wanted a 'mostly' white/neutral background.

I picked out a bunch of images that appealed to me from a coloring book of tattoo art and I traced/drew the images free hand onto the legs and top of the stool.

I had help.

Anyway, this... 
Became this... 
Which end up like this... 

I coated the whole thing in clear spray paint to protect it - it IS a step stool and is meant to be used!

Here are some more details  - leg by leg... 


and then....

 And then this...

Now, does this step-stool match anything in any room in the house? No. But I don't really care. I had fun painting it. Ha!

Random Pixie photo: summer attitude - Have a blessed Solstice!