Thursday, the kids' last school day of the week, both kids' classes had little celebrations for Valentine's Day. Nothing too big, but snacks were shared in Brian's class, and Honor's class had cookie decorating and some games. Both enjoyed receiving their little bag of Valentine cards from their friends.
That night we coordinated with friends, and after Brian returned home late from after school activities, the kids and I walked over to the club. We found a nice table on the lawn, and as they went off to play at the playground, I held our place. Soon, our friends and their kids arrived, and the movie began to play. Kids gathered on a rug in the lawn for a showing of Monster's Inc. on a big screen. We brought them blankets to snuggle in because it was chilly... didn't stop them from running around barefoot though, silly kids! Brad arrived shortly thereafter from work, just in time to order dinner. We had a pleasant evening under the sky chatting with our friends and watching the kids play.
Friday, we took the kids over to the school for a Valentine's Day Dance Clinic. It was a fund raiser run by the high school Dance team. Brian participated last year and really enjoyed it. When he saw the posters this year, he asked if he could go again. The age limit was for 1st through 5th grade, but I asked if Honor could participate too, as she'd have an older sibling there. That was acceptable, so they both got to attend. When we arrived, they met the Eagle mascot and had their pictures taken. Throughout the clinic there were a variety of Valentine crafts, snacks, face painting, etc. and, of course, dance lessons! The dance team taught the kids a little routine to "Dancing on sunshine", and when we arrived back in the afternoon to pick them up, they put on a show for us. They had a lot of fun and we enjoyed watching them dance.
Today, Valentine's day, we had a nice lazy day at home. I made some Swedish pancakes for breakfast... fresh strawberries, frozen blueberries, nutella, jelly, peanut butter, cool whip... mmmm! Then we proceeded to accomplish a whole lot of nothing in particular, just hanging out and having some relaxed family time.
Honor and I started feeling a little sleepy (actually, I was starting to feel like I was hit by an allergen or something... nose started running and my eyes were irritated), so we grabbed a pile of books, hopped into our big bed and snuggled into the covers with the cats. We read that pile of books until my eyes got so watery (from whatever was attacking me, not the books) that I could barely see. Honor continued to read another book to me, but then I told her that I needed to take some medicine and rest. She tucked me in, left me in the care of the cats, and went to go talk Daddy into giving her some chocolate Teddy Grahams. I slept.
I felt better after a nap. Still stuffy, but my eyes were no longer swelling shut. I rejoined the living, and had a bit of computer game time with Brian... simple things, like decorating my Meez avatar for the holiday and looking for eggs on Facebook - silly, but a fun time to snuggle together, giggle and chat. Eventually, he went off to join Honor in watching Sponge Bob, and Brad prepared pizza - Papa John's style - so I wouldn't have to cook. We surprised the kids with little heart boxes of chocolates with teddy bears attached. aawww!
Who needs a fancy dinner out? I think we had a very sweet day, preceded by two other very happy days, as a family. I hope your Valentine's Day has been just as loving, and maybe even, just as cuddly too!
Oh! And Happy Valentine's Day marriage proposal anniversary - does Hallmark make such a card? - to my best friend Dorothy and her sweetheart, Jesse! The Date is getting closer guys! :-)
Happy Valentine's Day! Yoru pancakes sound yummy!
Ha- I took a nap yesterday too. But mine was probably due to all the day-drinking...
Hooray for wonderful Vdays in!
Happy Valentine's Day! We, too, had a nice family day. We picked Curt up from the airport Friday night and Saturday had a Valentine's/Belated Curt's Birthday dinner with Grandparents and Great=Grandparents. It was a very nice day. Curt left for DC today. At least he is a 4 hour drive to Pittsburgh instead of a 30 hour flight.
Yay! We had a nice relaxed family Valentine's day too! Here's to non-productive family days!!
Christine - do you have Uncle Mike's recipe? That's what I use, plus vanilla.
Lilu - As long as you napped with your sweetie ;-)
Mama Seoul - the only thing better than Valentine's day with a loved one, is celebrating with LOTS of loved ones!
Lydia - Yes! More relaxing, non-productive days! Where do we sign up??
that is really nice . rachel
Vday is such a great excuse to chill. :))
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