I love all the creative things the kids get to do at school. I particularly love that they bring this creative learning home and make art here too. Just today, Honor got an old water bottle, peeled all the labels off, decorated it with frogs, fish and grass with a Sharpie marker, and colored in the outlines she'd drawn. It looked very nice!
Recently, the school had an art show to celebrate the work the children have done throughout the year.
Brad and I had walked through the art show on our own, after dropping the kids off at their classes, and had seen this collection of masks, labeled with Brian's class code, but we were not sure which was his. We looked for his favorite colors, but nothing jumped out at us as his work. Later, when I went through the gallery with the kids, Brian showed us the mask he made... not in his favorite colors (although it does have some blue and red), but in his sister's favorite colors, yellow and pink! What an awesome big brother!!

Brian's painting:

Honor checking out the artwork of other kids in Brian's class, and looking at a photo of his class.

Honor showed us her art too. What a beautiful ladybug! What really made the day was as we looked at Honor's art, I looked down at Honor... and found a real live ladybug crawling on her hair. She was so pleased to meet this little critter!

Some sculptures made with recycled material.

Brian looks at the pottery.

Congrats to all the great artists! We enjoyed the show.
Honor and Brian's artwork is very pretty. Tell them I said hi.
The artwork is great! Honor and Brian are fantastic artists. :))
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