Do not be fooled. The internet may want you to believe that this meme came about as a result of a happy accident between an English translation mix-up and bored web-surfers, but any cat owner can tell you where it really began. I mean, is it a mere coincidence that the main character of the meme is named “Cats”?? I don’t think so.
Let me demonstrate how cats can take possession of all your base…er… I mean… all your stuff:
According to Ninja, this is her string. ALL string is Ninja's string.
This is Ninja’s blanket. It does not matter that Honor had it first.
This is Ninja’s science project
Actually we really do give Ninja her own ‘homework’ so she won’t ‘do’ the kids’ homework for them. See, everybody is very busy after school at the table…
This is Ninja’s towel. I bet you didn’t know that drying the table was a job worthy of hazardous duty pay.
Ninja has computer games, complete with her own personal game operator.
Ninja also plays board games
This is Pixie’s box
This is also Pixie’s box
Do not try and take Pixie’s box. You should understand the rule…
Pixie always gets to see what arrives in the mail.. FIRST…
Pixie has a personal elevated lounge chair
And her very own boy
Ninja has a mobile denim-covered scratching post that makes a mom-like screaming sound when she uses it…
Pixie has her own personal sister
Sometimes sisters need a bit of a wash
Sometimes, sisters need an attitude adjustment…
Yes, Ninja does have an attitude, and Pixie knows how to take care of her ‘belongings’… (oh! the language that they use at times!)
Pumpkin demands all the love
Ninja steals some of the love.
Ninja also steals the photo op
Brian has been telling me that he wants to get a queen-size bed. I mean, he is a very tall kid, but I’m not sure that he’s tall enough to need a bigger bed yet… However, I do see this on a regular basis:
(I have no idea how he sleeps with one leg up and the other off the bed, but he does, and so I guess that I get why he thinks he needs more room!)
I also thought Honor had enough pillows. Nope! Wrong again. Ninja has all of the pillows.
So see… Cats: All Your Base ARE Belong to Us… and if it doesn’t now, well, then Ninja has this look that Honor calls “Those Big Eyes” and yea, what doesn’t belong to her now, soon will…
Go ahead, hand it over, it’s inevitable…