Brian is eight! How in the world has all this time gone by already? Our big guy has another birthday under his belt and is definitely growing up on us. Growing up good, too. We are so proud of our son. He is helpful, mature, a great big brother, and so sweet and thoughtful. Happy Birthday Brian, we love you!!
We had a small family celebration, and will have a big party with school friends next weekend... just because it sounds like fun... but I think our little party will be my favorite.
Brad had to work, and the kids and I spent the day inside. Cleaning house, playing games, etc. The kids stayed in pj's all day. They both helped bake Brian's cake. I supervised, but they took turns reading the instructions, finding ingredients, etc. Good teamwork.

I frosted the cake... and unfortunately, the frosting was a little gooey. Good thing we pinned the cupcake towers on the castle with toothpicks or they would have slid right off! Ah well, the kids had fun decorating it, and it tasted good, that's what matters.

After making the cake I sent the kids off to shower... cake batter everywhere... so, I did manage to get them out of pj's temporarily, but they put new ones on as soon as they got dressed again. It was a bit of a chilly day and a good day to hang out in pj's and slippers, I suppose. I gave Brian the choice of what to make for dinner and he picked leftovers. What a sweetie! I didn't have to cook. Leftovers were burritos and they're always better the second day anyway... the spices in the meat always seem richer after a day.
Brad got a call around dinner time and his tortilla sat in the pan too long. Turned hard as rock! He cooked another, and Honor ran off with the ruined one. This is what she did with it! She grabbed the camera and photographed it herself as well - because I told her that we couldn't keep the tortilla! I'm serious when I say that we never know what to expect next from her.

So many candles... I had to hold the cake away to keep from getting singed.

My sweeties.

Honor was a big helper, she even helped me wrap and decorate Brian's presents. Even the heavy one...

... which turned out to be the Castle Lego set he had been wanting.

Happy Birthday Brian!!
Happy Birthday, Brian!
I haven't got the last part of Brian's BD present. UPS seems to be a bit busy, but I have been tracking it and it is getting closer. We will be sending it off with the rest as soon as it gets here. Hope the birthday was great and late presents will make it seem super long. Lotsa love, G-Ma
Happy Birthday (and great looking castle cake)!
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