The kids had their back-to-school physicals at the Embassy today. Honor has been dreading this for weeks now because she has been worrying about getting shots. It made her a little hesitant throughout the morning. Brian was pretty laid back about it all and manage to actually enjoy himself. The nurses and doctor were very good with the kids and Brian warmed right up to the attention. One favorite nurse/friend even had Brian filling out some of his own paperwork. It took a bit to get through two physicals though, plus immunizations - they lucked out, one for Honor (2 later this month), and both had the PPD test. We didn't get back to school in time for Honor to join her class. This week is still half-day only.
Honor and I walked Brian to the library to join his class - pretty good I remember some of his schedule! - and then we wandered back past Honor's class in time for the kindergartners to be released. She got to say hello to her friends and teachers.
I had restarted my order for veggie delivery and when we returned to the house, our Veg box had been delivered. Mangos are in season...mmmm! The cantelope and apples were very nice too.
After lunch, Honor played computer while I did some cleaning. She has been immersing herself in Kindergarten level reading PC games and music games and doing very well. She took a break to help me mop the kitchen, but then dove right back into her games. She was a little tired from the heat and a bit fevery from the immunization so this quiet time was good for her.
Brian soon arrived home and threw himself into his homework and chores. There is a new family in our building and they have a boy his age! Both kids are thrilled!! Honor has been lucky to have a wealth of little girls in her/our circles, but Brian's friends are usually not local, or are the ones who move away :-( These two seem to hit it off very well. His mom and I had sort of planned to let Brian go over to their place today - because Brian hosted last time, but the boys made their own plans on the bus ride home and wanted to come over here to play "Teen Titans" on the PS2. We thought it was great that they were both so eager to get all their work done in order to have a playdate. I think this friendship will be good for them - and good for their homework motivation!
The veg box sounds wonderful. What a neat idea. Glad to hear the physicals weren't too bad.
Hi cousin Brian.
I wanted to make sure you are very happy because your webkinz account has like $13,000 dollars in it now.
Cousin William
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